Monday, January 5, 2015

The Hill

We have lived in this house for 27 years.  In those 27 years, between Lindsey, Caleb and now Maddie, the hill in front of our house has provided countless hours of fun!  I couldn't even begin to guess how many times they have been down it.  I don't want to jinx it, but I can't remember anyone ever being hurt either (which is nothing short of a miracle)!  We have ruined the soles on several pairs of shoes though.  Lindsey is quick to remind me now to make sure they have on their old shoes now!! Lillian is not quite as adventurous as her sister.  We have to ease her into things slowly!  With the help of her wonderful big sister, she quickly got the hang of it, and was going down in no time!  She's not as fast as her sister yet, but that's ok!

Maddie eased slowly down with Lillian, as she got the hang of it.

Are they not precious!?

Pop also gets his share of exercise on these adventures!  He's been up and down the hill quite a few times himself!

It's scary how fast she goes!  The good thing is that she can carry her big wheel back up the hill herself!

 I am sure that Maddie is offering advice on how to do it better, and I am equally sure that Lillian is not listening!!

Maybelle even got in on the action.

Seasoned professional!!

Baby Reed is wondering when he can get in on the action!

I predict many, many more trips down this hill.  I can't wait until Reed is able to join in on the fun!!  I am in the process of cleaning closets and such.  I am going to try and find some pictures of Lindsey and Caleb going down the hill, too!  It seems like yesterday that they were 5 and 2!!  Time flies!

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