How does a small town have a good time? They throw a little party for 400 of their closest friends! Good food, a great band, good friends and lots of family led to a great time for everyone! Five couples from our community will be getting married between the end of March and the middle of June. So, we celebrated with
A Barbeque and Barn Dance at the McClure's. They are so gracious to open their home for many events throughout the year. Reed and I were thrilled to be apart of this, because Rose, Maria, Haley, Heath and Caroline have each been so important in our lives and Lindsey and Caleb's. There is no way to count the cheerleading events, river trips, beach trips, baseball games, football games, proms, and so many other things we have shared over the years! Lindsey and Martin and Caroline and Caleb actually started out at Cathy's Daycare together! Events like this reinforce how thankful I am that my children grew up in a small town! It's amazing that they are all grown, responsible adults now. Time flies!
With the standing room only crowd, I wasn't able to get a picture of all the couples, so the table of pictures had to do!
Sweet sisters-Bride to be Rose and Mary Pat and Best Friends-Melanie and Kathy
Some of the hostesses hanging out and having a great time!
The Birthday Girl-Jean (It's ALWAYS about her! :) and The Hostest with the Mostest-Lauri, sporting her oven mitt
Fun was had by all - young and old
Lindsey's Senior Class(2004) was well represented. The years slipped away when they got together. They were having so much fun that getting a picture was quite a challenge. There were actually a few more here that didn't make the picture. I know Lindsey would have loved to have seen this bunch!.....Caleb also had lots of friends here, but I wasn't able to find him at all in the crowd.
After quite a few trys, we finally got them settled!! I love this bunch!!
Wonderful memories were made, and everyone seemed to have a fantastic time! I know we did!