The only thing better than a weekend is a long weekend filled with grandchildren! Pop, Josh, Maddie and Reed were suppose to be fishing in Louisiana this weekend, but the Captain changed the date due to the weather. This just opened the door to a wonderful, unexpected visit. The weather varied from beautiful and sunny to cold and dreary. We managed to make the best of both!
Maddie wanted to go bowling, so that's exactly what we did! She won one game, and Reed another. Lillian came in second both times. Pop and I pulled up the rear both times.

We also had a couple of backyard Easter egg hunts at Papa's. So much fun!

The yard was soaked due to all the rain we've had. They just dodged the mudpuddles and had a ball!
I love this picture. Maddie is at that "tween" age, and is very mature for her age. I love that she can still play and have fun!
These crazy kiddos convinced us that it wasn't too cold to swim. Trust me, it was freezing! They swam much longer than I would have ever believed.
Love these sweet sisters.
John Sawyer had a ball. I think he'll be swimming by the end of the summer.
Jack also loved cousin time. He is just the sweetest thing.
The best part of making a giant Easter egg cookie is................
licking the spoon!!
She's still the chicken whisperer.
Fun times!! On another note, we have been busy in Papa and Grandmother's backyard. Our goal is to get in manageable. We've made lots of progress, but we still aren't quite finished. More on that later.
Checking on the goldfish.
We made a quick stop to the military park in Tuscaloosa.
They are growing up so fast!
It won't be long until this little one will be joining all of our adventures. He is simply the best baby. He is almost walking, and is a joy to be around!
Softball and soccer start next week, so we will be on the road quite a bit. We are actually leaving home at 4:30 this Saturday to make it to Lillian's 8:00 game.