Lillian and Leigh Ellen are very special friends! They had lots of fun together and with their other friends, like sweet Clara Belle!

After a fun hayride, we arrived at the pumpkin patch! Of course, Lillian had to go to the end of the very loonnnggg rows to find just the right pumpkin!! The two in the middle were her first choices! However, she swapped the big one for a very unique green one!!
The gang's all here!!
Lots of fun on the slide!!
Bunnies, goats, a very sweet donkey, pigs and more!!
After they ground the corn off the cob, the nice man explains how to make corn meal and flour!
All aboard!!
The highlight of the day to Lillian were the slides and jumpy houses!!
Girls just want to have fun!!
It's pretty awesome to have such a sweet friend!!
Duck races were a big hit!!

We wrapped things up after the duck races and headed home! Fall wouldn't be complete without at least one trip to the pumpkin patch!
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