Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Summer Days

Summer fun has been in full force around here!  We are winding down, as we get ready for the 3 big kids to head off to school.  Maddie, Lillian and Reed went home yesterday-but the two little ones are actually coming back tomorrow. As usual, we tried to cram as many adventures as possible into our days with them.

The park, hanging out with John Sawyer and riding down to see the horses are some of our favorite things to do!

 Smores, swimming, ice cream and our first adventure to bowling were also on the list.  We enjoyed several night swims, which are my favorite.  We also squeezed in a few Christmas movies.......
 We also planned to spend an entire day at the river.  We loaded up the grill and headed out.  This was also Beau's first trip, and I am happy to say he did great!
Some of my sweet family members say Beau is a little hyper and such!  I, on the other hand, think he is just perfect.  
We were having an enjoyable, relaxing day, and then........this happened!  The boat wouldn't start!  I have been going to the river all of my life, and this is the only the third time this has happened to me.  Luckily, we had friends on the river who were willing to help. We had called Brian to help first. He left his fishing spot and headed our way, but luckily Bo and his family had already rescued us!  Not only did they tow us to the landing, they loaded us up and the kids had a ball skiing and riding the knee board.  If you have to break down, I highly recommend being rescued by sweet friends with a Mastercraft!

This was the first time for Lillian and Reed to ride the knee board, and both loved it.  Notice that Alex and Jeana held on to the back of the knee board with Reed. How awesome is that?
 Jeana gave Maddie some great advice and then she was off! Lillian loved the kneeboard!  She always loves new adventures once she tries.
She smiled and waved the whole time!

I have loved getting pictures of this cutie while they are at the beach, but I think it's time for them to come home!
 Before they left, John Sawyer helped Pop fix our door.  It was not shutting securely, and we have a little escape artist on our hands.  It's all secure now!

July has flown by!  We will all be getting back into our regular routines soon, and I'm sure going to miss this days.

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