Six years ago, I retired from teaching after a wonderful thirty one year career. I still very much loved teaching, but was intrigued by the chance to work with GEAR UP Alabama. This was a federally funded grant through UAB. Little did I know then what an impact this second career would have on my life. After two years as a Site Facilitator at Gordo and Pickens County High, I became a Regional Coordinator (5) Hale, Perry, Pickens and Greene Counties. I served in that position for 4 years. There is no way I can adequately describe our work in a short blog post. Our primary goal was to prepare our cohort of students for college or a career. The grant covered the Blackbelt area from the Mississippi line to the Georgia line and served almost 10,000 students. I am extremely proud of the work we did through GUA, and can confidently say that lives were changed, opportunities were embraced, and doors opened for both students and parents. I have toured a large percentage of Alabama colleges and universities (and some in Mississippi and Georgia), attended camps, and participated in multiple industry tours. We have provided multiple lessons on financial literacy, ACT prep, character ed and more. I loved getting to know the faculty, staff and parents at RC Hatch, Marion High, Hale County High, Greene County High, Greensboro High and of course my Pickens County schools. We were able to provide opportunities for our students and parents that they otherwise would not have had. I will forever be grateful for this opportunity. I am a better person due to my involvement with GUA. I had the most outstanding group of Site Facilitators and Team Leaders, and have made many new friends that are very dear to me. I am going to introduce you to some of a very special group of leaders of GUA from our farewell luncheon.
Dr. Tonya Perry, our Principal Investigator and fearless leader

Graduation Coach Tez and Project Director, Dr. Samantha Elliot Briggs. Dr. Briggs devoted her life to this grant and made a tremendous difference in many lives.
There are few people in this world I think more highly of than Dr. Jackie Stennis. She has a remarkable testimony, and I am so proud to call her my friend.
She's a hot mess, too!
Dr. Claudia Williams (She will kill me over this picture!) The was the leader of our Regional Coordinator's group. Wonderful person!
Past picture of Region 5 Site Facilitators, Team Leaders and more. I am so thankful to have met each of this wonderful ladies.
Lenora Emziah is from Columbus, Georgia and served Region 1. I just love her! Spunky and full of life!
Site Facilitator Chrystal Newman and PI Dr. Perry-Both are very special ladies.
Terrible picture, but a terrific lady! Site Facilitator Janice Filer
Greene County High wouldn't be the same without Marva Smith. She is simply awesome!
I could not have made it with Valerie Crawford, Regional Coordinator for Region 4. She was my go to for all things.
Two of my Site Facilitators, Wynelia Cherry and Voncille Thomas weren't there. Also, Prentiss Coleman and Cathy Hendrix (Regional Coordinators) were missing. I am truly thankful for all!
I am officially retired again! UAB made the decision not to reapply for the grant. I will not be looking for a job, but if one finds me, I might consider it. Right now, I am officially working for Reed! I have had a wonderful 37 year career in education, and consider myself very blessed!