Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Summer Fun

As of today, all five of our grandbabies are back in school.  That means we will soon be hitting the road again to various events around the state.  I honestly love watching them do the things they enjoy!  I have loved having the little ones the last couple of weeks, and have missed the big ones since they started to school earlier. Here's a little recap of life lately-

Pop and I took the boys on a quick fishing trip.  I say quick because once they caught a fish, they were ready to head home!

We spent one morning at the Children's Hands on Museum.  They absolutely loved it! I am so sorry I didn't do this earlier in the summer (and more often).  They had a ball!

We spent lots of time in the back yard!  Clothes are always optional.  You can often find them in their pajamas, undies or a bathing suit!  I try and make sure they are slightly presentable right before their Daddy picks them up!

We made a delicious pound cake during one of our rainy days. Would you believe those goggles doubled as safety glasses?

This little one has taken off swimming in the last couple of weeks! 

We now have a freshman, 6th grader and 4th grader.  I think Lindsey is on year 15.

Lindsey also just celebrated her 37th birthday.  I am honestly not sure how that is possible.

I enjoyed attending the "Blessing of the Backpacks" at church with these sweeties and their mom last Sunday.

More to come!

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