Watching big boats and barges was lots of fun! Maddie said she wanted Pop to get us a boat like this one! Sounds good to me!
Here comes another barge!!

Eating ice cream was serious business and took lots of time! Good to the last drop!!
Jiffy Popcorn cooked over an open fire is quite fun and tasty!!
The girls will probably never see these two sweet brothers or these twin sisters again, but for at least a couple of days they were best buddies!! Lots and lots of fun was had by each of them!!!
Papa got in on the action each afternoon. The girls loved his visits! We tried to convince Maddie that she was ready to take the training wheels off. She said she would wait until she was six or twenty!! Now that sounds like a plan!!
The first picture below is blurry because I was quite a bit away from them, but I thought it was too precious not to share. Lillian got the book from her basket and hopped right up on Papa's lap. The next picture is from one of our many walks.
Next up, our big girl turns 5 and has opening day of TBall. Nana and Pop can't wait!!
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