Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Sweet Baby

I am keeping John Sawyer a couple of days a week now, and I am loving every minute of it!  He is growing so quickly, and is just a joy.  He has the sweetest personality, and loves exploring everything.  Unless he's hungry or sleepy, he rarely cries.  Even then, it only lasts a very short time. It's hard to believe it's only been 10 months, because it's simply hard to remember life before him.  He has mastered going up our stairs, which is something we always strive to teach them as soon as possible. His favorite word is "mama". We are still waiting on a tooth, and he is taking a few steps.  He gives the very best kisses, and is a master explorer. (I'm not sure what's wrong with the spacing on this blog! I can't get it corrected, so I'm going with it!)

Furniture inspector!

His mom and dad got a new bed, and John Sawyer helped Pop set it up!

Enjoying some veggie snacks in a chair that Papa actually made for Lindsey and Caleb.

It's been pretty cold and rainy, but he loves to swing when he has the chance.

Hi there Nana!

Taking a little ride in the neighborhood.

I'm not sure there is anything sweeter in the whole world than a sleeping baby!

Maddie, Lillian and Reed will be here this weekend, and we can't wait!  There is no time quite like grandbaby time!

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