Friday, May 24, 2019

Awards, Graduation and Taking a Spin

We love following the grandbabies in all of their athletic endeavors.  However, this teacher enjoys following their academic journeys just as much! It means making lots of trips east, but I am very thankful that I am able to do just that.  Let me give you an example -last Thursday I spent the night there to attend the awards program. They came home with me for a long weekend. Monday I met Lindsey in Maplesville to take them back.  Tuesday, Reed and I went back to watch Reed's graduation.  I came back to keep John Sawyer on Wednesday, and then went back to Alex City Wednesday afternoon to go on a fieldtrip with Reed on Thursday.  They all came back with me again for the weekend. Whew! I get tired just thinking about it, but I wouldn't have it any other way!

Let's see if I can get this right-Maddie was the outstanding fourth grade student in Math, Presidential Fitness award and all A's for the year.  Lillian got an award for being the top first grade ELA student, and all A's for the year.  So proud!!

You go girl!

Very proud of this cutie, too!! Look out second grade!

And this cutie finished his preschool career at Jacob's Ladder!

Yes you did!!

Jacob's Ladder has been apart of our lives for the past 10 years!  Mrs. Kim is the director, and she has been just wonderful!!  We will truly miss this special place!

Headed to get his diploma!

Special guests!

Mom and her sweet boy!  Where you ask was Josh? Lillian had All-Star practice, and Maddie had martial arts.  He dropped them off and then rushed to graduation.

Nana and Pop loves this little one!

Big Reed and Little Reed

Lulu and Uncle Josh sent this car back for John Sawyer.  We've got to do a little detailing on it, and it will be as good as new!  He loves it!  He loves feeding Papa's fish, so right now it's up there.  It's the perfect place for taking a spin!

We play hard and rest hard!!

Summer is in full swing!! Next up, our first river trip of the year!

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