Imagine this-you are six, eight and eleven and you've just completed a long week in school. You head home ready for the weekend, and your parents surprise you with a new horse! Needless to say, it was the best surprise ever. Meet Jovi, a sweet 13 year old horse that will receive more love and attention than it can stand. Jovi came from a wonderful home, but his previous owner had outgrown him. So now, these three will continue riding and caring for him. To say they were shocked is an understatement. When Josh pulled up with the horse trailer, Maddie said she thought it was pigs! Jovi is just the right size and has a wonderful temperament.

Saying hello for the first time
They have been having horse lessons for a while, so they were ready for this new adventure. After introductions, Jovi got a good brushing, and they saddled him up.Pop and I headed over Sunday to meet him, and watch the kids ride. We were also able to go to riding lessons with them.
After riding, Jovi got a snack and a little rub down before they led it each other around bareback. Ozzie, the long time resident donkey isn't too sure about his new friend. I'm sure they will eventually be best buddies, but it's going to take awhile.
First, pretend like I didn't use that cute picture of Reed twice. It was a beautiful day to be outside and enjoy watching them!So much fun for all!

Now on to riding lessons! This has prepared them to be responsible horse owners. They have an excellent instructor that stresses caring for your horse in every way. This was my second time to go, and I love watching. I am not a horse person, but I do appreciate their beauty and the skill it takes to ride. Meet Kid Rock, Luke and Rebel.
Pop and I headed home after a wonderful visit. They have two more additions coming to the farm next week, and I can't wait for that. No horses this time! I'll share more on that soon. Next up, more sand fun and a quail hunt!