To me there is nothing better than a day spent with my children and grandchildren! Everyone but Lindsey and Josh spent the day at the zoo, then they joined us later for supper. (Josh had given Lindsey a trip to the spa.) I love how my grandbabies love each other and love spending time together. They were all troopers, and it was just a terrific day. I was a little confused by the mandatory mask requirement at the zoo, but we sorta, kinda followed the rule!
All smiles before we head inside the zoo!

Lots of animals to see!
Lots of walking, but everyone was a good sport! It was close to a perfect day!
This was Maddie's favorite. The others enjoyed it, too.
Back to the animals.
You just can't imagine how wonderful Maddie is with John Sawyer. She kept him close all day!
They loved the carousel!
Snack time! What's better than cotton candy!
We ended the trip with the train ride. The line was quite long, so Lillian managed to squeeze in a little nap!
This was right before we boarded the train.
Time to ring the bell and head out!
I'm not sure if there has ever been a cuter or sweeter baby! He's a doll!
Off to eat!
This has nothing to do with the zoo, but isn't he precious. When Lindsey's kids were little, I put toys here. I didn't have to do that with JS, but I think I may have to with this sweet fellow!
What a wonderful Mother's Day weekend! I can't wait until we can all be together again. We've got a one year old and a nine year old birthday to celebrate soon, plus All Stars for both soccer and softball coming up. We stay very busy, but love it!