Monday, December 26, 2022
Merry and Bright

Friday, December 16, 2022
Family Christmas
Christmas at my grandparents each year growing up was very special. Those gatherings, along with others lead to bonds that just can't be broken. Miles separate us, but when we are together time seems to just fade away. We aren't able to gather as often as we use to, but we make the most of every second when we are together. Since my grandparents passed away, most years we have met in Meridian with my Aunt and Uncle. This year Reed and I were fortunate to be able to host. We live a good bit farther north than most, but I'm happy to say most everyone was able to come. We recently unexpectantly lost a very special family member, so I think that made this gathering even more special. It's good to remember where we came from and strengthen that unbreakable bond. I know he's thankful we gathered together.
My People-If you weren't there you were missed.
We were all on the nice list!
Lots of visits to see Santa with these two in the past, so it was nice to see it again.

Sunday, December 11, 2022
Small Town Christmas
There's nothing quite like a small town Christmas! We have been quite busy this week. First the parade and tree lighting, followed by my church party at the house and another party. We ended the week hosting my family for Christmas. That gets a post of its own and will follow soon! Let's begin with the tree and parade!
Reed and Caleb have been putting the lights on the town tree for several years now. It's always beautiful, but you have to hold your breath when the switch is flipped that night! This year Reed was joined in the bucket by our mayor who was a great help! Below are a few of my favorites from the parade and tree lighting. Our church provides hot chocolate, and Reed prepares it. We served over 200 cups and could have served many more! John Sawyer and Jack were able to ride in the parade and loved it!
Now on to our Friendship Circle party. Around 25 years ago, Sarah and I were sitting in the Fellowship Hall and were approached by Mary Francis Noland and Myrtle Ruth Alexander. They kindly, but firmly told us that it was time for the young women (at that time) to form their own group. At first, we were a little reluctant, but I can honestly say it has been one of the greatest joys for all of us! We love our gatherings and love when new ladies join us. I honestly don't know how long I have hosted the Christmas party, but I truly love doing it! Our ornament Dirty Santa is not for anyone that gets their feelings easily hurt! This year, I think Susie had about 5 ornaments stolen. And let me add, that these ladies manage to find the most beautiful ornaments! Lots of laughs and lots of memories are always made! If you weren't here, you were missed. Please know that we also have lots of good food, and love learning and sharing about Jesus!