What a weekend! Pop's goal for the weekend was for Reed to kill a deer. They hunted morning, during the day and in the afternoon both Saturday and Sunday. While they saw deer, they either couldn't get a shot, or the deer were too little or had babies with them. On the last possible hunt before they had to go back home, the big boy walked into the field. Whew! We are all glad this mission has been accomplished. Reed and Pop had lots of fun this weekend hunting, and we are so glad to have a happy ending. Maddie actually hunted in another field, and was able to shoot another big buck on her first hunt. After that she went deer watching for the rest of the weekend. Lillian even went with her one time.
All smiles and ready!

I've heard that the deer stand is a great place for a nap! This is what happens when you get up at 5:00.

We could not be prouder of this sweet boy! He has worked very hard for this deer. He never gave up, and his hard work finally paid off! This was a nine point. The way he's holding it, makes it hard to see all of the horns. I feel like he will be on a roll after this hunt!

Big Sis and Pop were very proud, too!

Pop spends lots of time and effort on the fields for these kiddos. I think it's safe to say this is his very favorite thing to do. Also, Maddie will be 14 in April, and this was her 19th deer. She has shot two times this year and killed two eight points.
While the others are hunting, Lillian and I like to do important things like bake cakes! She did this one all by herself and it was delicious!
She's also a chicken whisperer! And speaking of chickens, we were down to three. We added six more to the flock this week. With the price of eggs, we are pretty excited. And for the record, our chickens are more like puppies. Spoiled rotten!
Jack (and John Sawyer) are big fans, too!
These are my favorite times when all five are here. Just hanging out-playing games, meals together, reading books, talking and so much more! It's loud and messy, but I wouldn't change a thing. Just cousins being cousins and having so much fun doing the little things together. These times are priceless to me!
Maddie and Jack-the oldest and the youngest
In full disclosure, John Sawyer made a sharp turn and Jack tumbled out right after this was taken. He popped right up, and they were off again! This tractor has lots and lots of miles on it. It used to be Reed's and is still going strong.
On the way to meet Lindsey with the big kids, we stopped for one more adventure. These kiddos have really improved their ice skating skills! Lillian and John Sawyer both had really bad falls, but bounced back quickly. There will probably be lots of bumps and bruises today, but they all had a really good time.
So much fun!!

We can't wait until our next visit. Making memories is my very favorite thing to do. And while I love these visits more than anything, I went to bed at 8:00 (after napping for about an hour on the couch). I may or may not have been slightly worn out!!