Monday, May 20, 2024

Awards Programs

What a special week!  I was able to attend the Awards Programs for the 3 big kids!  Not only are they kind, beautiful and athletic, they are all very smart!!  All A's for all 3!

After opening the assembly with the pledge, this one went on to receive quite a few awards, including all A's, highest average in English and history, and SGA officer.  She was also elected FFA president this week.

We are thrilled that Katie and Becca were apart of Maddie's special selection as President of FFA.  They have been such a big part of her life, and such awesome role models.

This sweet girl and her precious brother also had all A's and were recognized as a Peer Helper.  that is very special to me, because I am actually a Peer Helpers Program Coach.  

Reed's turn-

So proud of all 3!
Next up, a beautiful wedding, a special birthday, and a Kindergartner's graduation!

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