Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Lots of Adventures

Life lately has taken me to east Alabama, south Alabama and back home for a few days.  All Spring sports are now over, and we are settling into our summer routines.  The little ones will be with us during the day for a few weeks.  I love having them!  The big kids are busy with summer workouts, camps and such.  There visits will be a little sporadic, but we look forward to having them when we can.

Memorial Day weekend was such a fun time.  Lindsey and the kids were here for a few days and we just loved that.  Josh had to work, and we truly missed him! There is no time quite like pool time! Ribs, chicken and all the trimmings made this such a fun time!

There is nothing I love more than having all of my babies together.  I truly love how they love each other.
The next day we loaded up and went to the river.  River days are the best days!  We were able to spend some time with Marnetta, Tim and Brian at the river, too.  Just like old times!

Dog days of summer!  I am so enjoying all of the flowers blooming.  We spend lots of time weeding, watering and fertilizing but to me, it's all worth it!  

John Sawyer graduated from Kindergarten at ACA and is headed to 1st grade!  After a wonderful ceremony, we enjoyed a sweet meal together.  Look out first grade!

Could he be any cuter?

Maddie, Lillian, Reed and I journeyed to Daphne for a very special family wedding.  It was simply a perfect day.  Bri and Hunter were precious, and it was wonderful to see everyone.  Missed you Bob!

Jack is four!!! We left the wedding and headed back to help him celebrate at Bigham Farms.  Such a fun place for a party!  Four years have just flown by!  This sweet thing has the most precious personality, and is just a joy!

More to come!

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