April 27th is a day I will never forget. Reed and I were watching tv coverage of the tornado that was heading straight for Caleb in Tuscaloosa. I can't describe the feeling of watching helplessly. I was able to communicate with him, as he and Brooke took cover in her closet. I am so grateful to say that they emerged with only a shattered windshield....They missed a direct hit by about 100 yards. The immediate area around them was heavily damaged. Reed and I spent an afternoon helping victims of the storm. Reed manned a chainsaw for hours in the heavily hit residential area behind Hobby Lobby. I helped a group hand out hotdogs and water. Reed also went back the next day to help feed people. Many told us that it was their first hot meal in two days. Everyone was so thankful for the help. I felt a tremendous need to help after Caleb's close call. Also, another tornado came very close to Josh, Lindsey and Maddie, and did extensive damage near their home also. Seeing the destruction up close was very surreal. Pictures really don't do it justice. I was reminded that life can change in the blink of an eye. Hug those close to you, and tell them you love them. Things that seemed so important just a few days ago, don't seem so urgent now. I am so thankful that God spared our children and so many others that we know personally. My heart goes out to those who lost all of their possessions, and most importantly their love ones.
I can't describe the feeling as we watched this and knew Caleb was in its path.
So many people we know were affected by this tornado. Our hearts go out to all of you. As far as I know, nobody we know was killed. Many of Caleb's and Lindsey's friends, and children of several of my close friends lost their homes and were directly involved. We love you all!!