Sunday, June 28, 2015

This and That

The girls have been gone for a few day now, and it is very quiet here!  Everyone will be here for the fourth though, and we can't wait.  Last week was very busy!  I think all of these pictures are from Reed's phone.  I'm sure there will be more to come when I upload my pictures from the camera.

Three generations of pig-pulling Marine's at the Panola Barbeque!  This has been a tradition for many, many years now!

Papa and Caleb

I wonder if he samples any as he's pulling. 

Uncle Clyde has been the General of this operation for many years now.

These ladies had a ball at the world's best lemonade stand ever!!

Well, Maddie had a beautiful cat named Rose that just disappeared.  So, it happens that I have this sweet friend that had some little kittens that we were going to go and pick out.  They would be old enough to go home in a few weeks.  As luck would have it, she decided they could have two from a previous litter that they had planned to keep.  We load these sweet things up and bring them home.  They are basically not allowed to walk for a couple of days.  Both got lots and lots of loving!
Meet Lila and Gracie-Don't tell Lillian, but rumor has it that Lila is a boy!

What is that cat doing in the bed!???

She is quite smitten!! Maddie is too!  I have some cute pictures of her pushing Gracie in the stroller that I will share later.

Reed's garden is doing even better than I would like!  However, I had some great help shelling peas one day!  Thanks to Rainer, Emma and Ethan!

More to come!

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