Friday, March 20, 2020

Spring Break

We left last Saturday to take the big grandkids on a beach trip for part of their Spring Break. We loaded up with hand sanitizer, wipes, and all the other stuff and promised to do our best to avoid crowds. We ate outside at restaurants, and played on an underpopulated part of the beach. We stayed in Fort Morgan which was much less crowded than the other beaches. We returned home on Tuesday just as things were really shutting down.  We are all hunkered down now-ready to ride out this pandemic.  The pantry and freezer are stocked, and we are in it for the long haul. No more trips or adventures for us. I am not sure when we will see the big kids, but we are enjoying our daily facetime visits.

As soon as we got there, we took Belle to explore on the bay side.  She spent the days in doggy daycare, which worked out great for all of us.

These three love crab legs and grilled shrimp, so we headed into San Roc Cay to sit outside and enjoy the scenery (and avoid crowds), as we enjoyed our meal.

The next day after dropping Belle off at doggy daycare, we headed to the beach. So much fun! This little drama queen had a ball in the sand!
Yes, the water was freezing.  Yes, they got in and loved it.  There was also a tidal pool in front of us that provided lots of entertainment.
Shells were found, games were played, holes were dug, and waves were jumped......

We picked Belle up, cleaned up a bit and then enjoyed another great meal.

Maddie and Lillian were quick to point out many times that we always tell them we will take them to Lulu's to play - and never do.  So, once again against my better judgment that's just what we did.  I am extremely afraid of heights, so things like this scare me to death.  Maddie was a little scared in the beginning, but it didn't last long.  Reed was able to stay on the smaller one, which is much more my speed.

More beach time.......Pop had scheduled a deep sea fishing trip, but the fog was very heavy that morning.  The captain thought it was best to call it off.  In about an hour, the fog cleared and it was another perfect day.  We had a great time at the beach, so all's well that ends well......
They even fed the "devil birds" as Pop calls them.
I love our adventures with these guys and can't wait until John Sawyer and Jack join us.

And it just doesn't get any better than this.  Beautiful way to end a perfect day. 

And this little cutie has been a rockstar with his cast.  He got it off today for a trial run. The doctor wanted to put another one on, but Taylor asked to see how he does without one this weekend.  Fingers Crossed!!

All he needed was one of his dads socks on to enjoy the sandbox.

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