When life gives you lemons........
Christmas has always been special to me. I have so many special memories of Christmas at my grandmother's, and I want nothing more than to continue to create those memories with my grandchildren. Covid has thrown a kink in those plans this year, but I am determined to keep a smile on my face, and focus on the true meaning of Christmas. We have been quarantined for a couple of weeks, while Caleb and his family have battled Covid. Today was the day we had planned to celebrate together, but have moved that to next Saturday. Praying everyone is well, and we can reenter the world by then. Reed and I have had no symptons, and I have had a negative test. We still have a couple of days left in our window though. We have cookies, candy and crafts to make-not to mention lots of Christmas movies to watch! I normally take everything down the day after Christmas, but not this year. Maddie, Lillian and Reed will be here for a few days after Christmas. I am going to enjoy every minute with them, John Sawyer and Jack. I also plan on enjoying time with their sweet parents!
We have not seen Maddie, Lillian and Reed in 3 weeks, and we haven't seen John Sawyer and Jack in two weeks. While I miss them like crazy, I know it has to be this way. I also know that we are blessed beyond measure. Three weeks ago, I was actually in Clanton on my why to get the big kids when I received a call that someone close to us had tested positive. I turned around and headed home. Just a few days later, sweet baby Jack tested positive. That's one of those life moments that you will always remember where you were when you got the news. We just didn't expect him to test positive. Caleb and Taylor soon followed. They are all feeling much better, and we are very thankful for that.
This little stinker is growing like crazy! Actually, he is 7 months old today.
These sweeties have finished school for this semester, and are waiting on Santa!
I joined Pop for a little quail hunt today. To be clear, I ride along behind them in the Ranger while he does all the hunting. I love watching Belle and Beau do what they were born to do.
I think she would hold this point forever when she finds a bird.
Beau is hanging back waiting to retrieve.
Giving his buddy a little encouragement.
She goes non stop all day long.....
The day didn't go as originally planned, but it was a beautiful day to be outside.

Merry Christmas!
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