Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Making Memories

We were blessed to be able to spend Memorial Day with our children and grandchildren. We don't take these gatherings for granted. Somehow, the only pictures of Caleb and Lindsey I have were in their bathing suits, and if my memory serves me correctly, my life was threatened if I used them!  Trust me, they were here! Crawfish one day, barbeque the next, lots of swimming, fishing, a birthday party, and just hanging out provided lots of fun.  I treasure these times, and I am truly thankful for those that made it possible.

I promise you, there is not an easier person to celebrate than this angel! I just can't believe that she is 10!  (More pictures are on my previous blog.)


There is no fun quite like cousin fun!


They said they were quite yummy.  Shrimp for me! Jack approved!

So much fun!  Checkers, walks, swimming, kickball and more!

This bubble blower from LuLu and Uncle Josh provided this little one with more fun than should be allowed.  He loved it!!  Every area of the backyard got treated to bubbles.

These guys wrapped up the visit with a fun fishing trip.  Lillian said they were practically jumping in the boat!!

What a great weekend!

Sunday, May 29, 2022

Birthdays, Soccer and Awards Programs

Although the family is in the middle of having lots of Memorial Day fun, I thought I would catch up on recent events. Birthdays, soccer tournament, Awards Programs and more! We are settling into the summer routine quite nicely. 

Here's the scoop-Jack is TWO!!  He has the most precious personality, and is quite the little character.  He has no fear of anything and keeps us on our toes!  What could be more fun than having an ice cream truck visit your party?! He is the sweetest 2 year old ever!!

Pop was able to attend Reed and Lillian's program, and I went back for Maddie's. All three had all A's for the year, among top averages in a variety of subjects. Well-rounded and smart!  Who could ask for more?

 How could this angel possibly be 10! She is so incredibly easy to celebrate.  She was just excited over a basket of Dollar Tree gifts as she was her main gift.  She will celebrate with some friends later this week, but we had a little family celebration this weekend.

I am truly sad to see this little soccer champs season come to an end! I can't wait for the fall season. There are no words for how much he loves this sport! We are very proud of him and his dad!  

Next up, Memorial weekend fun!

Saturday, May 21, 2022

Fun Times!

We are enjoying another fun filled week, and it's not over yet.  Jack has his birthday party this morning, and then we will head to Anniston for Reed's All Star soccer tournament.  I know that we are truly blessed to be able to do these things!  People in town ask me all the time where I have been because they rarely see me now.  I just say on the road with grandbabies!  

Caleb and Taylor were out of town for a few days, so we got to have lots of adventures with the little ones.  JS requested a fishing trip, and of course Pop made that happen.  They caught several fish and had lots of fun!
Is there anything more fun than Chuck E. Cheese?
Catching frogs, playing and watching the neighbors work on the backhoe were just a few of our highlights.

Oh what fun they had swimming!  John Sawyer is a little fish, and Jack has absolutely no fear of the water!!  I am looking forward with lots more of these adventures this summer! We can't wait for the big kids to join us!

Clothes are optional on the zip line!! 

We have traveled to Lineville twice recently to watch this one play.  I would travel to California if needed.  I love watching her play!  She reminds me so much of her mom at this age!

I also enjoyed a trip to the McWane Center with her school's gifted children!! I have been many times, but this trip was the most fun yet!

My next blog will be on their recent Award's Program. (It deserves its own post.) Pop and Reed enjoyed a trip to Taco Bell after his program.

This girl continues to shine.  She also continues to get taller and taller!!  She's got me beat by about 3 inches already.

Spring flowers are on the downhill slide now, but they have been beautiful!  Everyday something new is blooming. We are thoroughly enjoying it!

This is our latest yard project.  These bricks came from the old Prisoner of War Camp here.  There was a much longer walkway here before the pool.  We are going to continue this on the other side soon. Sorry about those wet footprints down the middle! The monkey grass was transplanted from the side of the house.  I'm pretty sure these plants are ready for me to leave them where they are!! Sod is coming in about 7 days.

Next up, Award's Programs and Jack's birthday.  Now, we are off to our next adventure.

Wednesday, May 18, 2022


It seems like yesterday that our little caboose entered the world.  Jack was born during the beginning of the pandemic, so our first glimpse was through a hospital window. It didn't take long for him to wrap us around his little finger, and find his way firmly in our hearts.  He is tough as nails, and as sweet as candy!  His smile lights up a room, and he has the most precious personality!  Happy Birthday sweet boy!! We love you so very, very much!  I chose a few recent pictures of recent adventures.

King of the sandpile!

This takes nosey neighbor to a whole new level!! In Jack's defense, our neighbor was working on a backhoe, and he couldn't resist watching.

His mom and dad were out of town, so we enjoyed a little time at Chuck E. Cheese.

He has absolutely no fear of the water!!

Sweet thing!

Early morning house calls!

Playground fun

Polaris ride in our pj's

We can't wait for many more adventures and many more birthdays.  We love you bunches!

Happy Birthday!!

Monday, May 2, 2022

Wonderful Week

 More wonderful blessings this week! Make no mistake about it- I loved every second of my 37-year education career, but retirement is my favorite job ever! I am excelling at it every day!! I spent about four days in east Alabama this week. I was able to catch a soccer game, help with transporting kids, watch Lillian practice, and attend Maddie’s track meet. Most importantly, we were able to attend Lillian’s baptismal. What a blessing!! Pop attended John Sawyer’s Tball game, and I am looking forward to a day with them this week.

You are a child of God, wonderfully made, dearly loved and precious in His Sight. Before God made you, He knew you.  

What a wonderful day!  Lillian made the most important decision she will ever make, and we were blessed to share this event with her. 

Maddie participated in Sectionals this weekend in Beauregard.  This hardworking seventh grader qualified for State in the 1600 and 4 x 800 relay.  She also beat her best time in the 3200 by over 20 seconds.  I am amazed at her stamina and her progress this season.  She has not just competed, but excelled against girls much older all season!  It still amazes that anyone would really run multiple miles every day with no one chasing them!!!! :) The State meet is this week and we just can't wait! Win or loose, this has been a fantastic season.

Pop was able to enjoy this weeks TBall game!  John Sawyer has loved playing.  The park pictures are from one afternoon last week when Pop and I picked them up for the afternoon.

I have said many times that I really didn't understand soccer.  We were just never exposed to it here.  I have learned lots, and have truly learned to love it.  Mostly, I love watching this one play.  He has just blossomed this year.  He LOVES playing, and we love watching him. I'm pretty sure he dreams about playing in his sleep!  He has one more regular season game, and then All Stars.  Josh will be his head coach. I hate to see his season come to a close.

I have spent lots of time whining about the massive amount of yardwork we have done and still have to do.  All of the flowers blooming are just beautiful right now.  I am trying to focus on that and not the never ending projects we need to complete!  It's truly fun to see what new flowers are blooming each day.  The daylilies and roses will be in full bloom soon.  If you notice the first picture in the third row, you will see a bunch of Papa's chrysanthemums coming through with the sun patients.  We relocated most of those, but that one came through, and I don't have the heart to move it.  I think it was meant to be. We have added several new rose bushes.  Reed cleaned out the vines from all of the running roses on the fence, and they are fixing to be in full bloom. 

Much more to come!