Saturday, May 21, 2022

Fun Times!

We are enjoying another fun filled week, and it's not over yet.  Jack has his birthday party this morning, and then we will head to Anniston for Reed's All Star soccer tournament.  I know that we are truly blessed to be able to do these things!  People in town ask me all the time where I have been because they rarely see me now.  I just say on the road with grandbabies!  

Caleb and Taylor were out of town for a few days, so we got to have lots of adventures with the little ones.  JS requested a fishing trip, and of course Pop made that happen.  They caught several fish and had lots of fun!
Is there anything more fun than Chuck E. Cheese?
Catching frogs, playing and watching the neighbors work on the backhoe were just a few of our highlights.

Oh what fun they had swimming!  John Sawyer is a little fish, and Jack has absolutely no fear of the water!!  I am looking forward with lots more of these adventures this summer! We can't wait for the big kids to join us!

Clothes are optional on the zip line!! 

We have traveled to Lineville twice recently to watch this one play.  I would travel to California if needed.  I love watching her play!  She reminds me so much of her mom at this age!

I also enjoyed a trip to the McWane Center with her school's gifted children!! I have been many times, but this trip was the most fun yet!

My next blog will be on their recent Award's Program. (It deserves its own post.) Pop and Reed enjoyed a trip to Taco Bell after his program.

This girl continues to shine.  She also continues to get taller and taller!!  She's got me beat by about 3 inches already.

Spring flowers are on the downhill slide now, but they have been beautiful!  Everyday something new is blooming. We are thoroughly enjoying it!

This is our latest yard project.  These bricks came from the old Prisoner of War Camp here.  There was a much longer walkway here before the pool.  We are going to continue this on the other side soon. Sorry about those wet footprints down the middle! The monkey grass was transplanted from the side of the house.  I'm pretty sure these plants are ready for me to leave them where they are!! Sod is coming in about 7 days.

Next up, Award's Programs and Jack's birthday.  Now, we are off to our next adventure.

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