Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Book 'em Danno

Well, we had a little family excitement a little while back.  Uncle Clyde had been having trouble with people stealing scrap iron from his old chip mill location. This is a very abbreviated version of what happened -  Reed and Mr. Jack happened to see a trailer with some of Uncle Clyde's "things" and the chase was on.  They began by going down a dirt road.  After losing them, then finding them again, they followed them for some time before the guys realized they were being chased.  Mr. Jack was able to get Uncle Clyde on the phone, and he was able to get more back up and block the other end of the dirt road.  These unlucky (alleged) criminals were soon on the way to jail.

What I have found so interesting about this is that a few years ago, Reed was driving down his dirt road when he met a car loaded with things that he realized had been stolen from his pit.  Well, Reed quickly turned around and chased the guys down the same dirt road where the latest chase occured.  Reed reached behind his seat, grabbed a hunting rifle, and somehow let the guys see it.  Doors flew open and they got out with their hands in the air.  Reed made them drive back to his pit, park on the dirt road and carry everything they had stolen back to where they got it from.  However, one of these guys escaped into the woods (leaving his billfold behind with identification) and the other one going to jail.  Maybe Reed's in the wrong profession.......

These pictures were taken from Reed's IPhone.  The first one show's some of the "goods" on the trailer.  You can see Uncle Clyde, Papa and some of the law officials in the background.

These are the feet of our alleged criminals.  Did I mention that two of these guys are former students of mine?

And the moral of this story is-crime doesn't pay!

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