Sunday, August 22, 2010

Quick Trips -Lots of Fun!

Reed and I headed out to Alex City Saturday afternoon for a quick visit with Maddie (and her mom and dad). Maddie was asleep when we arrived.  She seemed to be very confused when she first woke up Sunday morning.  She couldn't seem to figure out how we got there.  Within a short while though, all was well and we were ready to play.  She seemed to have grown so much in the past 2 weeks.  (This is the longest I have gone without seeing her). She is saying more words, and has the most precious personality.  She cried (just a little) when we left, and I of course wished we could have stayed forever.  She will be back here next weekend, and we can't wait!!  Right after breakfast, we put on our play clothes and headed outside for some fun!!

Riding the Car

                                                     Ready to Ride!!

A little help from Pop-She still can't say Pop, but she called him Boo today.

Don't you wonder what she's thinking?

Next, the Slide

I like it so much when everyone claps for me ----

That I like to clap for myself!!

The Sprinkler

Cody had chewed up her sprinkler and pool, so Nana and Pop made a trip to Toys R Us on the way.  This new sprinkler was one of her treats. She was not too sure she liked it at first.

But after a little while, she had a ball!



A girl's got to get a little dirty every now and then!

Some of the other fun things we did-

She loves to build with her blocks.  Actually, she loves to knock her blocks over!

Lindsey NEVER EVER played with dolls, so I have been anxious to see how Maddie would like them.   She gave this one its bottle several times, and carried it around a good bit.  I think she is going to enjoy playing with them.

Not a care in the world!!

In the car again---I think she would live outside if she could.

On the road again!!

We also fed the horses, gave her a bath, and just enjoyed every minute with her. What a wonderful way to spend the weekend!!  Thanks to Lindsey and Josh for sharing her with us.  She's a joy! 

Have a wonderful week! 

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