About a week ago, I began noticing an horrific smell in my school closet! A few days later, I noticed some signs of MICE! Trust me when I say I am not a fan! I was in a meeting in Northport Thursday when I received a text from Jessica Tolstick from across the hall telling me a mouse had run from her room into mine!!! The next morning I opened my closet door to get something for her, and actually saw one running on a shelf! She later opened my closet door, and saw TWO of the little darlings! (She also killed one that morning in her room!) Did I mention that those sightings resulted in me running in the hallway and LOUDLY screaming! That resulted in a hallway full of other teachers coming out to see why we were screaming! I called Reed and asked him to stop what he was doing and bring me some traps quick!!!! Later, I was having a grade level meeting with the kindergarten teachers, when one calmly said, "Mrs. Marine, a mouse just ran across the floor behind you." Well, let me tell you that's one very good way to break up a meeting!!
Jessica comes from across the hall, and was on a mission to catch this very traumatized mouse that was scampering all over the place!! During all the excitement (as I am standing in a chair and once again screaming), I didn't get a picture of Houston sitting on top of my table or Lisa standing in the chair. I also missed the shot of Phyllis falling on the floor as he ran by her foot! ( Or in other words, by the time I stopped screaming and jumping in the chair, and thought to get my phone out, I had missed a lot of good stuff!) Total Mayhem, I tell you!!

Teachers had come from far and near to help by now, while others ran for safety! Rhonda produced a sticky trap, and lo and behold, he was caught in a matter of minutes!! Scarlet is probably the kindest, most tenderhearted person I know. Can you tell by this picture that she was TRULY upset that he was a goner? I, however, operate on the principle that the only good mouse is a dead mouse. Mr. Smart was coming down the hall with a student and heard the screaming. He said the little guy with him looked up and innocently said, "They must have seen another mouse." He joined the fun and helped set mouse traps and even tried to get in the door.
Lauri is straight up my hero! If I had a dollar for every time I have screamed for her to come help me, I'd be rich! She can fix anything!! However, I learned that she is not a fan of mice! If I hadn't been so terrified, I would have really enjoyed the sight of her on top of my desk!! Did I mention that she saw this thing go in and out of my school bag!?! Well, about an hour after the first little critter was caught and disposed of, I had been out of my room. Lauri and I thought we'd check the 3 traps in the closet and see if we'd had any luck. Somehow in all the chaos, the key had broken off in the lock and we couldn't get in..........Good grief! Lauri tried to get in but had no luck!

I called the Central Office and told them this situation had gotten way out of hand!!! Within minutes, one of our wonderful maintenance men was there and took the door knob off. Guess what he found? Two more dead mice! Oh my! He called a pest control company that will be there in the morning! Hip! Hip! Hooray! But just in case, there are four more traps ready and waiting in my room! This is the first time in 30 years that I have seen any evidence of a rodent, except for the classroom hamsters I use to have. Could this possibly be a sign!?!
(Have I mentioned how much I love my co-workers?)