Monday, November 29, 2010

A Few of My Favorite Things-Part One

Gingerbread Houses

This was our 20th year to make our houses.  It is a wonderful tradition that we look forward to every year. To me even though I've had the house decorated since the week before Thanksgiving, it doesn't really seem like Christmas until we have made our houses.  Over the years, we have had churches, hunting lodges, log cabins, and houses of all sizes and shapes.  Reed always stressed that our houses must be structurally sound..... The process is simple-choose your box, fill the table with all types of candy and icing and let the fun begin.

Maddie's 1st Gingerbread House-with a little help from Pop


Caleb's House-I love this!!  He put lots of time and effort into this one....I love his porch. 

Caleb hard at work!

I am amazed by Reed's. All during the week, he would bring acorns, pinecones, and "stuff" home from his walks with Maddie.  Little did I know he was planning this-The manger scene complete with the wisemen, Mary and Joseph, a lamb, donkey, and baby Jesus!  There's even a fire to keep baby Jesus warm!  Amazing what you can do with pretzels, marshmellows, icecream cones and candy! 

 The Wisemen

A work in progress


My House-I couldn't get my roof right, so I just stuck a tree up there!

Brooke's adorable log cabin!  She's very creative!

Lindsey and Maddie's houses!  They had to work very quickly, but both are or so cute!

Ok-Josh is going to take a look at this picture and notice that there is a tree up there that wasn't there when he finished!  After I put the tree on mine, I decided he needed one so we could be symetrical, since ours are one the same row........All hospitals need a tree on top at Christmas!

 Our Masterpieces!!

Merry Christmas!


  1. I love this! I think I would like to do it with Libby. What will I need? How do I get the frame?

  2. Get small boxes, graham crackers, icing, candy and have a ball. I highly encourage you to do it. Lots of memories!
