Thursday, July 28, 2011

Kid's Say the Cutest Things

Maddie is talking up a storm now, and it's all just so cute!!  This is the most precious stage. It's not so much the words, it's the precious way she says them.    I am going to share some of the cute things she says(mainly because I want to always remember them) with some cute little pictures that have nothing to do with one another.........

Here we go-

1.  I want a popking.
(That would be a popsicle, and she eats quite a few a day. Josh thinks popking is a combination of popsicle and ice cream.).
2.  I want a lello popking. 
 (That would be yellow-her favorite.)
3.  You okay?
(This is said quite often when she thinks something may be wrong with you.  It is usually accompanied by sweet little pats.)
4.  Let's get in the warwer.
(That would be water. She calls the river and big pool warwer, but her little pool is pool.)
5. I wuv you.
(Simply melts your heart.)
6.  I tired.
7.  I a big girl or I a baby.
(Whatever she needs to be at the moment.)
8.  Pop says, "Hey Dude" and she says, "I not dude, I Maddie".
9. Hey Buddy or Hey Buddy Bug
(This is what she calls "sweet bugs".)
10. I sorry.
This is a sure ticket to get away with almost anything!
11.  Let's dance.  Good song.
She loves to dance, but is very selective about the songs she dances to.  We have to go through almost all of the songs on the Wii until we get to a "good song."
12.  Bless you or Bless you me (when it's for her)

And one more example-

She and Caleb had a little tiff about something.  She kicked Caleb and then ran to the corner and said, "I bad.  I go to corner."  After about a minute she sweetly said, "I sorry." 

We are all wrapped tightly around her little finger..............

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