Thursday, January 23, 2014

First Time for Everything

Maddie wanted to camp out(side). I  convinced her that it was way too cold outside, but we could blow up the mattress and sleep in front of the fireplace and that would be just as fun as camping out!  Little did I know that things were rapidly deteriorating upstairs.  I kept hearing Reed get up during the night.  I had the baby monitor on, so I knew Lillian was fine. Around 5:00 when he started throwing up, I realized what the problem was. He had  a wicked stomach virus!  We have been married for over 31 years, and this is the first time I can remember him spending a whole day in bed, and another day "just chilling".  The girls and I greatly missed him, but we carried on as he recuperated pretty much on his own.

Did I mention that we roasted marshmallows over the fireplace?  Also, she insisted that to campout you have to sleep in a sleeping bag, so I dug one of Uncle C's old ones out.

The next day, we had a little dance party!

While getting ready to go on a walk in the neighborhood, I looked at Lillian and she had grabbed my sunglasses and was headed to the door!  Both are such sweeties!

Maddie loves riding in the neighborhood!  Lillian enjoyed the walk, also.  It was a little cold, so we didn't go too far.

While Lillian was napping, Maddie enjoyed painting a few pictures.  The one below is now proudly displayed on the refrigerator.

Bath time is one of my favorite things to do with the girls!  It's always an adventure and always lots of fun!!
I had planned to keep the girls a day longer. Since Pop wasn't feeling too great, I decided I'd better take them back early.  We got to the other side of Tuscaloosa, and Lillian began throwing up.  You can't imagine how bad I felt!!
P.S.  I would like to say that I was able to sneak by and not get this virus, but it snuck up on me with a vengeance! I am at home still recovering!  It has been wicked!!

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