Sunday, April 25, 2021

A Little Bit More of Life Lately

Life lately has been quite busy.  Semi-retirement hasn't quite been what I thought it would be. I expected a slightly slower pace!  I love every minute I spend with my sweet grandbabies, so it's all worth it!  We traveled to watch Reed and Lillian play this week.  Sadly, they played at the same time, so we had to split up.  We will do the same this week and swap.  We are 95% complete with a bathroom renovation, and will soon be taking down walls and redoing the kitchen. It's lots of work, but I love seeing the progress.  That's about it for this week!

This little guy is rapidly approaching being a year old.  He is an absolute joy!  

Sweet brothers going for a little ride!

If you need any chickens wrangled, just give this guy a call!  They literally lay down for him to pick them up.  

I was in the house and heard them calling for me.  I was just a tad bit surprised to find them on the roof.  Please don't tell his mom.............I also have a picture of him on the roof with Maddie, Lillian and Reed.  Since I am deathly afraid of heights, I just don't get it!

I have watched many soccer games now, and really still don't understand it.  I find myself saying inappropriate things like, "Back up your team" and such.  I still may not get the rules and such, but I really enjoy it.  I not only enjoy watching Reed play, I love watching Josh and Maddie coach.  I just wish he and Lillian didn't play at the same time most night.

Lots and lots of running in this sport!

I am so glad they are in this together!

Now this sport I understand.  Every time she bats, runs or catches a ball, she reminds me of her mom. The only difference is that Lillian is not left handed.

I had a ball with these two sweet ladies at an consignment sale.  We worked the sale and shopped. We look forward to this for not only the great bargains, but also the opportunity to hang out together!

More to come.  We are headed to watch another soccer and softball game this week. I can't wait!

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