Monday, September 26, 2011

The Little E's

That would be Eli and Ellie - our 2 new cats.  I went almost 50 years and had a total of two cats.  I have now had 4 in the last month.  I was not a cat person........I am slowly becoming one though.  Now, more on how Eli and Ellie came into our lives.....Reed and I were  having a peaceful, uneventful supper, and my phone rings.  My sister-in-law (Sandra) is calling to say she has two kittens, and their mother has disappeared, and they have to be bottle fed.  She sweetly asks if I'll take ONE.....She also mentions how cute, cuddly and sweet the little black one is.  We agree to meet her and give it a try.  However, Kris shows up with BOTH kittens.  Reed, in a moment of obvious weakness, thinks we should take both.  In all honesty he was right.  I think they would be lost without each other.  Long story short, they have been going to school with me and staying in our lab's large crate.  They are doing great, too!  They mostly eat and sleep.  The teachers at school have been wonderful.  One teacher friend, who is a BIG cat fan, actually brought me a real diaper bag packed with all kinds of things that I would have never thought of.  It has proved to be quite a valuable resource.

So, now the adventure begins.  I am not sure if one or both of these babies will remain with us for the long haul, but right now we are bonding quite nicely.  If you're close by and want to help with feeding, we are pretty much on an every two hour schedule.  Please feel free to stop by!

For the record, the pictures make them look bigger than they really are.

At first they just couldn't nurse from their bottles very well.  The syringe worked great though.  I am happy to say that both are now taking a bottle!

I love this-I refer to it as "in the zone."

Eli's turn.....

A little snuggle time after eating.....

I thought they would enjoy a little time outside, since it was such a beautiful day.   Right now, they are mostly content with eating, sleeping, snuggling just a little and staying in their crate.  I don't think that's going to last much longer though!

It's VERY hard to get a cute picture of both of them together.

Any takers?

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